Cannot get all images to show on DrudgeReport

Expected Behaviour:
I open and I see all images as usual.

Actual Behaviour:
I only see some images.

So far, I've unblocked some domains by using the query log and that fixed some of the issues. However, some images will not show. I right-clicked, inspected element, found the URL and pasted [edit] the relevant domain [/edit] in [edit] the whitelist through the Pi Hole web UI [/edit>] -- confirmed blocked. Went to pi hole unblocked, confirmed works when opened as a direct url. Then I go back to drudge, shift+F5 and STILL cannot see images. I inspect element again and look for tags the image (in this case from is embedded in. I found a cloudflare javascript URL, whitelisted that, still cannot get the images to populate on DrudgeReport main page!

I looked through the query log, inspected the HTML source, nothing... Any ideas??

As any DNS filter, Pi-hole isn't concerned with URLs, but with domains only.
Extracting such a domain from any given URL is easy enough, but it usually would result in overblocking if you are indeed trying to block just the resource as indicated by the URL originally.

To block on URL level, you'd have to use a browser extension like uBlock Origin.

With the regard to blocking domains, the following may help:

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Thank you, I meant to say I extracted the relevant domain from the URL. I'll be more precise in my language.

pihole -t solved all my problems! Thank you!!! :grinning:

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