I have a question. I noticed that ads on WetterOnline.de (a german weather site) are being blocked on an iOS device but the same ads are being shown on a Windows PC. Does anyone know why this might be?
Update 02.09 21:34 - Okay so it's not the Windows PC, specifically, it's Chrome. When I open Edge, the ads on the top and right are blocked but not in Chrome. I also cleared my Chrome's cache and internal DNS cache and the ads keep showing, unlike the other browser.
@mibere - In Edge, nope, no extension. I only have one extension and it's not related to ad blocking or filtering of any kind. I do have an ad blocker in Chrome, even with it and combined with pi hole it still shows the ad on this website on the PC. I also tried to disable the plug-in; no difference.
@deHakkelaar- I checked and the Windows 10 PC is only pointing to a single DNS and of the pi and both on IPv4 and IPv6
Okay this issue with WetterOnline, as an example, is very strange. Now, when I open the site on my iOS device with Safari I get the ads, in Chrome on the iOS I do not. On the Windows 10 PC I not seeing the ads with Edge but I do see them with Chrome.
What do you guys experience when visiting this site?
I have been using ipconfig /flushdns while testing
Thanks for posting your screenshots. Both IE and Edge show no ads, here it seems as if pi-hole works but I am trying to get the same result with Chrome, which is my default browser. Maybe it's Chrome's Async DNS resolver but then again I can't seem to disable it.
And another test on iOS, Safari shows the ads and haha Chrome on iOS does not, what a mix up. I understand that generally some ads pass through but in general I am trying to get it to work by using this site as an example.
Dont use a web page to get it to work.
Too many pitfalls like cache thats everywhere, sites that host ads from the same domain or via DoH.
Use nslookup on a client instead eg.:
nslookup pi.hole <PIHOLE_IPv4_ADDRESS>
nslookup pi.hole <PIHOLE_IPv6_ADDRESS>
And if the client is configured properly, you can leave out the IP address at the end eg.:
nslookup pi.hole
Only Pi-hole can resolve this pi.hole domain and nslookup doesnt cache.