Add additonal blocklists

Pi-Hole adblock is amazing tool. Before pi hole i used adblock directly on router packages/net/adblock/files at master · openwrt/packages · GitHub

There is too many another blocked domains which are not in pihole blocklists in default.
Pi-Hole works well but these blocks list worked better. Now i have more ads in webpages where i never seen ads before. So please can you do some merge with these blocklists and advertise it to all ?
Surely everyone will appreciate it.

Many thanks :grin:

See here for additional block lists that can be added straightforwardly to your Pi-hole:

I'm not sure what kind of webpages you mean, but we (and the vast majority of our users) see hardly any ads anywhere with the standard set of lists.

Also if you'd like to add in your own lists, please see How do I add additional block lists to Pi-hole? and read the sections on parsing additional lists. Most lists will not be able to drop straight in to the Pi-hole.