Wireguard + unbound + pi hole on a vps

Hello all,

I have as the title says this setup on a DO droplet. I am trying to figure out how to have my ipaddress/admin closed off to the outside world, but only accessible within the vpn. I've tried closing off port 80, but I can't access it within the tunnel. I've been trying to figure this out for the past couple of days as I have very limited knowledge when it comes to firewalls. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

You achieve that via iptables

Here is a general info/example page:


Use IPTables rule generator to generate your rules.

Hi RamSet,

Thanks! I tried to figure it out. I can manage to close off ipaddress/admin from the world, but I still can't figure out how to access it while connected the the vpn. I am not too sure where to go from there.

It should be fairly easy ...

If you went with the standard OpenVPN configuration, once connected to the VPN, your /admin/ is at

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