People have been asking for these features for years (especially since Covid). It looks like all the underpinnings are there to make this happen (groups, blacklists, timers, etc).
We need to have this in the native UI (without hacks).
It could be a few basic features added and we would be there. Like...
"Apply Blacklist to Group - during time frame"
-- only allows specific sites be contacted, perfect for home school so older kids who need larger freedom to do research, etc but stop them from going to YouTube or game sites during school hours, or on dedicated 'school devices'
"Block all Group activity - during time frame"
-- no internet allowed, perfect for limiting kids device use and home school
"Apply Whitelist to Group - during time frame"
-- only allows specific sites be contacted, perfect for home school
as mentioned i think most tech savvy youngsters (which is presumably most of them these days) could easily circumvent pi-hole once they knew what the issue was. dealing with it on a client/device level seems like it would be more effective.