Why do speed tests no longer work?

Expected Behaviour:

I'd like to go to fast.com and be able to check my internet speed. When I go to the website, it says that I am not connected to the internet but I can search google regularly.

Also, in my router settings, it says I'm not connected to the internet. Interestingly, it shows two connections for pihole (one eth0 and the other wireless).

I normally wouldn't care, but I need my router to be able to ping the NTP server to get a timestamp. Right now, it's not set up with my local timestamp and I'd like to fix that.

Please post the token generated by

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log


There's no need to redact private IP addresses.


These are private ranges, and likely the same as about 10,000 other Pi-hole users. Providing the actual IP's helps us help you.

Similar with your domain blocks. Without them, we can't tell if you have a filter that is blocking some of your requested content.

Great! This is the IP address: IPV4_ADDRESS=

This is what we need to know:

[i] Default IPv4 gateway: {removed}
   * Pinging {removed}
[✗] Gateway did not respond. (https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/why-is-a-default-gateway-important-for-pi-hole/3546)

[i] Default IPv4 gateway:

  • Pinging
    ping: Name or service not known

Fix that.

That not working, despite the pi hole working, is the reason I made this post. Thanks!

Pinging an IP address should not involve DNS at all. There's some big issues with your setup, hence my advice on another thread to start all over again with a fresh OS.

Mind pointing me to instructions on uninstalling pi hole? The threads I pulled look out of date

I'm concerned that I might do it wrong based on the experience in this thread:

I'm open, though I'd rather not, to frying my raspberry pi and starting from scratch.

Start all over from scratch. You have issues with the operating system itself if pinging an IP address fails.

@DanSchaper, I started over from scratch and this issue is persisting. I followed the docs on the rasp pi website for install the pi os and then followed the docs on the pi hole website to install the pi hole. When I go to fast.com, it says that I'm not connected to the internet and my router says the same thing.

Post up a debug token.

This is my debug token https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/exdqmdta3e.

The speedtest on fast.com worked up until the moment that I installed pi hole. It worked through every step of the installation of the raspberry pi up until then. This installation has no custom blacklists and only uses the four default lists that are provided and it works with an eth0 connection. I did not do anything to my router settings after installing pi hole (curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash) in a screen share on the raspberry pi. Thanks!

I can still ping websites in the terminal. I can write ping google.com and it will work from the raspberry pi and from my machine. It's specifically any internet speed test that fails to work. (speedtest.net, fast.com, so on)

Does the speed test not work at all, or are the results not what you expect?

These tools can help you determine if any of the domains that load with the speed testers are being blocked and causing problems.

I will note that with stock blocklists and some additional regex, I have no problems with speedtest.net (I don't use the other site).

You also might want to try different upstream DNS servers to eliminate any interference from the two you are now using: