Whitelists - import/export

i am not sure if this has been suggested before in feature requests, but would it be possible to use a similar listing format as we use for gravity but for whitelists? or a format that would allow us to share our existing whitelist from the regex edits rather than one by one into a text file?

the reason i mention this is i run alot of lists in my pihole, but sometimes i notice that some international lists tend to block services that are essential such as banking like revolut, xbox/playstation services that sadly yes though they are telementry or ads related they are blocked by those lists but causes a pain to stay hunting it down each time, so having the whitelist in a txt file would make it easier to deploy on multiple instances and to be able to share it with others, should they wish to import it.

running the command pihole-FTL sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT domain FROM domainlist WHERE enabled = 1 AND type = 0;" > exact_whitelist.txt would export exact whitelist to a text file. Similarly for the Regex whitelist, pihole-FTL sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT domain FROM domainlist WHERE enabled = 1 AND type = 2;" > regex_whitelist.txt would work

The upcoming Pi-hole v6.0 supports subscribing to publicly available "allowlists" (formally known as whitelists) in the same way as it was already possible to subscribe to "denylists" (formally known as blacklists).

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This has been released with Pi-hole v6