I have noticed that my YouTube play history was not saving.
So i double checked that i had whitelisted the recommended domains: s.youtube.com and video-stats.l.google.com
And indeed i do:
pi@pihole:~ $ pihole -w s.youtube.com
[i] s.youtube.com already exists in whitelist, no need to add!
pi@pihole:~ $ pihole -w video-stats.l.google.com
[i] video-stats.l.google.com already exists in whitelist, no need to add!
However, looking through my logs i see they are getting blocked:
Are you using groups? Do you have the whitelist assigned to a group that excludes the client?
A debug token would be really helpful instead of me asking 20 questions and taking 20 posts to work through things. But I think you posted in General because you didn't want to fill out the template and just wanted a quick answer.
So that whitelist (and actually all your whitelists) are applied to group 0, the default group.
The only client that you have assigned to that group is the one with the comment of VPN. (and any client not assigned to a group.)
You have one list assigned to group 0, that is the Unified list. You have other lists assigned to other groups but that Unified list only applies to group 0. The comments for the other lists appears to me that you want the Unified list to apply to EVERY group and then apply the additional lists on top of that Unified list. So Group 5 should have two lists applied. Unified and News. That's not how Pi-hole is working, right now Group 5 has only the single news list applied to it.
That would work if you put a client in Group 0 and Group 5 but it doesn't look like any of your clients are assigned to multiple groups. Example, the tablets in group 10 have only a single list applied to them, and that is the single list you have assigned to group 10.
So, to get where you are going you can do one of two things:
Put the tablets in group 0,4,5,10 and apply the lists from each of those groups to the client
Apply your lists to multiple groups. You can change the list that currently is your base list and currently is applied to only group 0 and apply it to all your groups.
I think perhaps I don't fully understand how groups work...the docs aren't particularly clear imho. And I'd consider myself pretty competent.
I'll try and outline what I want, may be better, and to help me wrap why head around it...
I'm using the following lists from Steven black....
Default pihole list (= Unified?)
Unified + Porn (≈ default + porn)
Unified + Fake news
Unified + Fake News + Porn
My understanding was each of these additional lists already included the as default pihole lists. (Unified from Steven Black)
I want the kids tablets to have, let's say full blocking, i.e. default, and fake news and porn.
Whereas other devices, just default, or just fake news.
When we speak about groups, do we refer to groups of devices, or groups of lists?
As I'm sure you can see from the debug, I was working on the premise that groups = lists, hence lists:
Fake news
Fake news + Porn
So, if I understand correctly, the tables should be assigned to group 10 only, which will block all porn, fake news and the default domains.
And if I want to read fake news (hypothetically obvs), another device could have group 5 applied only. Which would block fake news domains + the default list (as this list = unified + fake news)
And the whitelist also needs applying to all groups to allow said domains through....
Which leads me to the obvious question...can this be done in 'bulk' or is it a 1 by 1 job via the admin GUI?
The flexibility of groups means that you can apply lists to multiple groups if you'd like.
Once you have the lists affecting the groups then you assign clients to each group. In your case the tablets go in to group 10 and they have group 10's lists applied.
You can think of a group as being a Virtual Pi-hole or a vLAN. However you can expand on that and have a client in multiple groups if you wanted. If the lists you used were not aggregated and they were unique lists then you'd want the tablets to be members of each group and have all the lists applied. Or you could have the tablets be a single group and then make each list apply to that group. There's a ton of flexibility built in and you can design the scheme in a way that makes sense to you.
I think it's manual. Adding a domain or regex via http://pi.hole/admin/groups-domains.php puts that entry in the default group. You then have to click on Group assignment to map that entry to all the groups that you would like it to be applied.
All of them, word for word, multiple times.
Maybe my statement was not entirely true. Once it's understood, it's clear. It's just getting there.
In no way whatsoever a criticism, just my own opinion / thoughts / experience
How you use groups is the way that groups work. Use them in the way that gets you what you want accomplished.
Under the hood there are some more details. Looking at the debug run (which you can see in your /var/log directory) you see the columns for the groups tables:
*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Groups
id enabled name date_added date_modified description
---- ------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------- --------------------------------------------------