Which IPv6 Address to set into my router

My Pi-Hole has multiple different IPv6 address on it. I would like to set into my router the Pi-Hole's IP address as an IPv6 DNS server to be announced.

From reading How to set up IPv6 for Pihole correctly? - #8 by DL6ER, it seems that at least one of the addresses on my device should be a constant address (as it is derived from the MAC address), but I don't know which one that is.

This is the results from running ip -6 addr on my device. I have blacked out the trailing part of the IP Addresses. The full addresses are available in the debug token.

Debug Token:


The fd92:ede0:... ULA address with forever lifetime (see valid_lft) seems to be the best choice here. The debug log does not contain the full ip a output so I didn't see your MAC address in clear. The link-local fe80::... address would work as well.

Cool. I will add both of those as announced IPv6 DNS servers.
Though I just noticed that apparently I don't need an IPv6 DNS server to have IPv6 traffic. Go figure.

It is perfectly fine to send the same traffic through either an IPv4 or an IPv6 connection. Also, the DNS protocol is transparent. It can ask IPv4 and IPv6 questions over whatever connection it may be using at the moment. In fact, the protocol itself isn't even aware of this, it just says: "I have this question, system, go and transmit it to some server you know"

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