I can use WhatsApp calls and video calls while using Pi-hole as DNS Server.
Actual Behaviour:
If I try to (video) call someone, Pi-Hole blocks out traffic:
if I get called from outside my home network with Pi-hole as DNS
if I try to call someone from within my home network
If I try to (video) call someone in my home network it works. I can't seem to fish out the necessary Domains for WhatsApp (video) calls from the logs, as they won't show up?
That's worth a try. I did use the "disblbe blocking" for 5mins and nothing changed. So I'll put the androids in a group and let them bypass Pi-Hole for a day and then try to catch the DNS-traffic. Because within that 5mins nothing came up.
Ok, so I put my Androids in a Group and let them bypass Pi-Hole. After a few minutes I could call them without a problem.
After acitvating Pi-Hole for them again, the calls get blocked again.
Now: thing is: I do have access to pihole.log, but: I have like 62 clients on pihole in my network and I'm struggling to fish out the one Android I'm trying to reach via WhatsApp-Call. I've got a few Router-Changes over the past weeks (don't ask), so I've got like 42 different IPv4/IPv6 adresses attached to the Androids. I just clicked on "flush network table" and I'm hoping I can resume digging into the logs later today...