What model Raspberry Pi should I use for Pi-hole?

Hi folks,
I'm using an old model "B" and it's working just fine!!!
The CPU load is around 8 and the worse case 10,8%.
The great issue is that it runs with low power consumption (800mA), no heat, no heatsinks, no noise... Just fine!

Got to mention:
My Rpi is set to work only in CLI mode and the total allocated
memory to GPU is the minimum allowed: 16MB (sudo RASPI-CONFIG).
So there's more Megs to CPU.
Congrats to the team, great job!!! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
Greetings from Brazil and FORA BOLSONARO!

Sorry, I mean:
Memory usage: 9.4 %
Load: 0.65 0.45 0.23

runs super on rpi 4 with 64bit great work guys :stuck_out_tongue:
44.3 c
load 0.16 0.18 0.18
memory usage 6.5%

this is with touch screen and all on and desktop gonna combine it with volumio

Running beautifully on RPi Zero W - I think even a Pi Zero is overkill in terms of raw power.

  • Running Pi-Hole, Unbound, Log2ram
  • BT, WiFi and HDMI disabled to save power (network connection over USB2LAN dongle) and with reduced RAM allocated to GPU (thx for the tip @EASchramm)
  • With heat sink in standard RPi housing

40.1 c
load 0.04 0.1 0.13
memory usage 13.6%


I see people posting load from theirs RPis but only one person shared query amount.

Anyone using it on Rpi for big scale? I'm running it on PC, considering to switch to new Rpi but my workload worries me:
~300 000 queries / day
~4500 queries /10min peaks

All that, and Zabbix server monitoring local infrastructure. (over SNMP mostly).

Anyone would even dare to do this :crossed_fingers: ?