Webinterface: initial queries limit missing

When clicking on "Query Log", initially only 100 entries are displayed and loading times are fast.
When clicking on a client IP address or domain in the dashboard, this initial queries limit is missing and the query takes minutes to display and everything is unresponsive. Please consider to add the initial query limit to all web interface queries and add an option to load only the next 1000 entries but not all at once.

Pi-hole v5.15.5
Web Interface v5.18.4

The query log will remember your choice of how many items are shown (10, 25,...) per page. The same setting is used when accessing the query log "pre-filtered" by domain or client. The difference is that all queries from that client/domain will be pre-loaded already. This is due to how the data is transferred between Pi-hole and your browser.
Pi-hole v6 will change that behavior and allow server-side pagination.

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