Web interface slightly broken, not sure why?

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Expected Behaviour:

When logged into web interface, I see a dashboard indicating that the pi-hole is working (non-zero percentage blocked, time graphs, pie-charts, lists of clients and blocked/allowed). If I click on "Query log" in the navigation, I expect to see a columnar, paged report of most recent query results.

Actual Behaviour:

When logged into web interface, I see a dashboard indicating that the pi-hole is working. When I click on "Query log" in the navigation, I see only the column headers and footers, no rows of recent queries. "Apply filtering on click on Type, Domain, and Clients" is checked, but none of the column headers are clickable. Clicking on " Recent Queries (showing up to 100 queries), [show all]" also doesn't change results.

I believe that logging is happening, since I can use "Long term data", "Query log", select "today" for time range, and see data. It is just the separate, show most recent that seems broken for some reason.

Dangerous noob attempts at fixing it:

  1. disable and flush, then reenable loggins
  2. reboot
  3. pi-hole update
  4. raspbian update

all failed to correct things, so I'm out of button-monkey things to try and could use some help.

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