Web interface blocking reply type

Example screenshot web interface below.

pihole version (tweak/gravity_performance branch) on which I tested performance isseus)
Pi-hole version is v4.3.2-398-gdc0a9c9 (Latest: v4.3.2)
AdminLTE version is v4.3.2-357-g3cac308 (Latest: v4.3.2)
FTL version is vDev-9889501 (Latest: v4.3.1)

Due to the new CNAME blocking, a lot more queries are blocked. This is good, the community requested this and got what they wanted, no problem here.
However, when looking at the query log, allowed queries almost always have CNAME in the reply column of the query log, some entries (very very few) have IP, N/A or NO DATA.

Users will probably have to whitelist some things, after migrating from v4.3.2 to v5, due to the new CNAME function, unfortunately, when an item is blocked, the reply column does NOT indicate anything else but a time reference. so the user cannot see the if the blocking is the result of the new CNAME function.

In short, two problems, query log, column reply:

  • almost all allowed queries list CNAME
  • blocked queries list only a time reference

I than switched my SD card, I use different SD cards for the different branches,
ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
ran pihole -up

the group management page in the web interface is missing.

ran (see here) pihole checkout web release/v5.0

the group management page appeared

pihole version
Pi-hole version is v4.3.2-389-g10c2dad (Latest: v4.3.2)
AdminLTE version is v4.3.2-357-g3cac308 (Latest: v4.3.2)
FTL version is vDev-9889501 (Latest: v4.3.1)

In this branch, there are still a lot of CNAME queries (more than I would expect) but the number of IP an N/A has increased, the number of NODATA remains approximately the same. This may of course be the result of the queries, submitted by the clients, I'm running these tests on my production pi. The blocked queries still only mention a time reference, no other indication.

off topic...
PR 3089 has not yet been approved for merging, thus not part of the latest beta5. This can be confusing for beta testers, see here.

You have overlooked Add extra label when blocking happend during deep CNAME inspection by DL6ER · Pull Request #1138 · pi-hole/web · GitHub

Merged yesterday, not sure where you see it is not.

I'm Sorry, but I don't understand this.
In the screenshot in the PR, the CNAME is in the status, the reply column only shows a time.

In the screenshot I attached to this topic, the CNAME (a lot of them- almost hard to believe so many CNAMES are used) is in the reply column, the status column has no info on the CNAME.

As instructed by @DL6ER, I ran pihole checkout web release/v5.0, to get the group management page.
How do I get the layout, as seen in the PR AND the group management page or is that not possibly yet (different branches) or is the PR not approved and merged?
Currently, when I look at PR 1138, I see Merging is blocked
When I looked at PR 3089 this morning, I also noticed that message (Merging is blocked), that is why I entered the comment on that PR. This has now changed.

I just ran pihole -up:

pihole -up
  [i] Checking for updates...
  [i] Pi-hole Core:     up to date
  [i] Web Interface:    up to date
  [i] FTL:              up to date

pihole version says:

 Pi-hole version is v4.3.2-389-g10c2dad (Latest: v4.3.2)
  AdminLTE version is v4.3.2-357-g3cac308 (Latest: v4.3.2)
  FTL version is vDev-9889501 (Latest: v4.3.1)

Be patient, this will all be resolved before 5.0 is released. This is why we have a beta. Your concern is being addressed with #1138.

#3089 was merged almost 24 hours ago. But that's academic. It's in there now.

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Apologies for my impatience.

This morning, I was trying to run windows update on a machine that hadn't been powered on for over a month, that's why I looked into the CNAME problem, but I could not figure out the cause (what I needed to whitelist), because a lot of Microsoft domains are being blocked by my blocklists, I didn't want to whitelist things I don't need, but assumed it was a CNAME problem. That is why I opened the topic.

Is the group management page already part of beta5 or is that a different branch
(and have thus drifted away from the official beta5 branch)?

That command puts you on the beta branch. If you see the group page then the group page is in the beta.

I ran the command pihole checkout web release/v5.0, already up to date, and I still see the group management page (with content), so everything appears to be ok. The query log still looks like my original screenshot, thus PR NOT yet merged, so it appears patience is a virtue I will need to adopt.

Thanks for your time and effort.

It has been merged yesterday.