Web interface 403 - Forbidden, blocking is working

I've been trying to get a debug token but the output of the pihole -d command seems to be stuck since more than 30 minutes.

I am having the same issue described in: https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/web-interface-403-forbidden-blocking-is-working/20327.

It appears that the issue was solved by running:

sudo dpkg -P lighttpd

However when I run the command I am getting an error and I am not able to continue further:

dpkg: problemi con le dipendenze impediscono la rimozione di lighttpd:
lighttpd-mod-openssl dipende da lighttpd (= 1.4.59-1+deb11u2).
lighttpd-mod-deflate dipende da lighttpd (= 1.4.59-1+deb11u2).

dpkg: errore nell'elaborare il pacchetto lighttpd (--purge):
problemi con le dipendenze - rimozione non possibile
Si sono verificati degli errori nell'elaborazione:

It is basically saying that it is not possible to purge the packet since there are some dependencies. How can I continue?

Thanks for the help

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