Verständnisfrage Pi-hole mit Unbound (DNSSEC + Logs)

Unbound does DNSSEC validation OOTB if setup according to the official guide:

Verify DNSSEC signatures, discarding BOGUS domains

Why do you need a log file?
Pi-hole is already logging client queries and has a way nicer interface to look them up.

Depending if you're running a systemd distro:

$ readlink -f /sbin/init

You can check the systemd journal for the current --boot:

sudo journalctl --all --boot --unit unbound.service

Or two boots back (-2):

sudo journalctl --all --boot -2 --unit unbound.service

Or follow/tail live:

sudo journalctl --all --follow --unit unbound.service

If you want to see queries in the journal for diagnostic purposes, you can up verbosity to three in below config file:

$ cat /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/pi-hole.conf
    # If no logfile is specified, syslog is used
    # logfile: "/var/log/unbound/unbound.log"
    verbosity: 0

Or higher if necessary:

$ man unbound.conf
       verbosity: <number>
              The  verbosity  number, level 0 means no verbosity, only errors.
              Level 1 gives operational information.  Level 2  gives  detailed
              operational  information  including short information per query.
              Level 3 gives query level information, output per query.   Level
              4  gives algorithm level information.  Level 5 logs client iden-
              tification for cache misses.  Default is level 1.  The verbosity
              can also be increased from the commandline, see unbound(8).

And reload to apply:

sudo systemctl reload unbound.service

EDIT: If want to list all units and their enabled status:

systemctl list-unit-files

EDIT2: Dont forget to set verbosity back to zero after diagnosing as this uses up extra disk space and you have more writes to the FS if not!