using apache2-webserver instead of Lighttpd


i am using my RPi4 not only for pi-hole.
I have also installed nextcloud on it.

Nextcloud comes with apache2 as webserver.
pi-hole installs Lighttpd.

Is it possible to use apache2 for pi-hole to that the Pi doesnt need to run 2 webserver


This will be difficult. See related post here: Use Apache If Lighttpd Is Not Installed But Apache Is

You can run both Apache and Lighttpd, but you will need to move one or the other off of port 80. You can move lighttpd from port 80 by editing /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf and changing the port defined by server.port

Note that this change to your local code will be overwritten by a Pi-Hole repair or update.

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