Upstream DNS blocked?

Im trying the latest PiHole on an RPi3 with Rasbian Lite. Complete new installation. Everything still on default. Everything looks okay. Web interface is up and running. But when I change my router, to pihole dns, nothing works. So I reversed the router configuration and tried to change the DNS of my Phone manually to use PiHole DNS. My phone immediatelly told me: no internet! Then I changed the DNS on my phone to google dns ( and I had the same problem!! So also google DNS did not work. When I changed the DNS to my routers IP, everything worked!

So it seems my router is blocking all upstream DNS requests?????
I have Fritzbox 7581 and no special config. All pretty basic. I have been going through all settings but did not find anything strange....

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Changing DNS on my phone to PiHole or to Google ( should work.

Actual Behaviour:

Phone responded with: no internet

Debug Token:

I believe Fritzbox has got rebind protection:

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