Updated to 4.1.1 and now DNS service won't start

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Updated via pihole -up, pihole should still be operating normally

Actual Behaviour:

Updater seemed to work fine, but when checking pihole status the DNS service isn't running. tried pihole restartdns which says it works, but status says otherwise. Rebooted the raspberry pi, didn't help. Tried pihole -up again, it said there was an FTL update avaliable, but got "Error: Unable to get latest release location from GitHub
[✗] FTL Engine not installed". Found this post, followed it; the FTL error went away, but DNS service still wont start after multiple -r and reboots.

Debug Token:

This one is from before some of the last few -r and reboots, but when I tried to upload a new one, got There was an error uploading your debug log.

Your debug log shows that you are on 4.1.1 on all modules, but pihole-FTL is not running.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Core version
[i] Core: v4.1.1 (https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-update-pi-hole/249)
[i] Branch: master
[i] Commit: v4.1.1-0-g8d85d46

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Web version
[i] Web: v4.1.1 (https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/how-do-i-update-pi-hole/249)
[i] Branch: master
[i] Commit: v4.1.1-0-gde7aa5a3

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: FTL version
[✓] FTL: v4.1.1

After you reset your nameserver to something other than, Pi-Hole resets it after each repair or update. Since FTL is not running, you have to reset it each time until fixed.

This error appears at the tail of your pihole-FTL log:

   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] ---------------------------->  FTL crashed!  <----------------------------
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] Please report a bug at https://github.com/pi-hole/FTL/issues
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] and include in your report already the following details:
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL has been running for 12 seconds
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL branch: master
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL version: v4.1.1
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL commit: f5f331b
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL date: 2018-12-21 10:32:10 -0600
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] FTL user: pihole
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687] Received signal: Segmentation fault
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687]      at address: 0
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.687]      with code: SEGV_MAPERR (Address not mapped to object)
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.688] Backtrace:
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.688] B[0000]: /usr/bin/pihole-FTL(+0x1a09a) [0x50809a]
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.688] B[0001]: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6(__default_rt_sa_restorer+0) [0x76d9e6c0]
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.688] Thank you for helping us to improve our FTL engine!
   [2018-12-21 13:21:02.688] FTL terminated!

Several other users have reported this problem as well and the devs are looking into it.

We're looking into the issue. You can track progress here:

@badtimebreak please update to v4.1.2 of FTL and let me know if it resolves your issue. If the update fails, then edit /etc/resolv.conf and change nameserver to nameserver (or third party DNS server of your choice), save and exit, then run pihole -up.

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Looks like that resolved it. Thanks for the quick fix!

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