Updated to 3.3, DNS service not running

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

I wanted to update my existing PiHole install to the newest version.

Actual Behaviour:

I ran the update command in CentOS (pihole -up) and it completed the update, but now the DNS service will not start. I have tried starting it, restarting it, enabling it. No luck

Debug Token:


You're running into a version of this issue (but on CentOS):

Your version of dnsmasq is 2.66, while it needs to be >= 2.73


Can you take a look at this thread? I know it's Ubuntu VS CentOs, but might be of some help.

It looks like the issue is already solved.

Thanks for the reply! I have CentOS installed without the GUI and I'm not sure how to update the dnsmasq. In the topic you linked you state that the download urls are only for the Raspbian Jessie. How can I update it for my system using a CentOS compatible dnsmasq?

CentOS might not have the update available, or you will have to find a user repository which has updated versions.

If you're running CentOS 7, on 64 bit architecture, then 2.76 should be available.

I would expect it to be pulled in by:

yum update -y

so try that first if you have not already.
Otherwise you can do it manually:

curl http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/Packages/dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm -o dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm

yum install ./dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm

rm ./dnsmasq-2.76-5.el7.x86_64.rpm

If you're on 6, or 5, then as far as I know, there are no official 2.76 packages.

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Thanks a lot @robgill and @Mcat12 I didn't know that the standard update would actually update the dnsmasq as well. Thanks to both of you, all working as intended now!

For anyone in the future, I am running CentOS 7 64bit and this fixed my issue.

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