Unsupported OS error: Lubuntu 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3

The Teleport function in Pihole is supposed to back up all needed settings to install on a new image, then import your Teleport-saved settings.


can't even find the teleport file i created :person_facepalming:

If you ran it from the command line, it should be in the same directory/folder you ran

pihole -a -t

from. If running from the web interface, that depends on your browser but would be in the default Downloads folder or wherever you specify at the time of running Backup.

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Thanks - very helpful response. Appreciate it.

Would have saved to my desktop i reckon. Only found two teleporter tar.gz files on my PC.

Latest is from about a year ago but sadly that pre-dates when i configured pihole as my DHCP provider

just to close off this thread:

After having wasted a huge amount of time trying to upgrade my Pi OS (i had issues with different builds of chromium on the xenial lubuntu repositories i use, amongst other things), i then tried to use a fresh install of ubuntu server 20.04 LTS and the desktopify script.

I sadly had issues with both lubuntu and ubuntu MATE (latter wouldn't even boot after install). It's conceivably down to trying the 64bit version of the OS (though it should have worked on my raspberry pi 3 rev 2).

Anyway, I then tried the Sep 2022 Raspian OS 32bit build.

This worked a charm and it's joyously simple to set up VNC server too (literally a toggle switch in raspi-config).

I was then able to install the current version of pihole.

In summary:

  • Older builds of pihole (possibly 5.10 or around then) do work with 16.04 (lubuntu)
  • newer versions won't, because the OS is unsupported
  • overriding the OS check and forcing a pihole update led to pihole ceasing to function (couldn't get the service started).
  • People will need to get a more current OS on their Pi's to get current versions of pihole working.



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