Unsupported OS detected on update

Hello everyone!
I was just trying to update my pi-hole and it seems to have hit a snag. This is related to an OS version/ FTL install I think? But the script told me to ask for help so here I am

Expected Behaviour:

I am on Raspbian OS 9
The hardware version that comes back when I query my device is ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v71)

Running sudo PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true pi-hole -r
Got me through some of the trouble, pi-hole core and the web interface return an 'up to date'.

It seems to be choking on the FTL update, even with the os bypass it will still throw the "unsupported os detected"

Actual Behavior

I can't bypass this, and it has brought my pi-hole offline completely. I have had to separate it from the network to be able to access the net. (Or as the case here, type this all up on my phone)

Debug Token:


Any and all hel pis greatly appreciated!

Of note as well. I havent done any additional fancy configuration. This is a plain Jane setup, I also can't get to any of the admin consoles. I get a "connection refused"

You will need to update your OS. Stretch is well past support by Raspbian and Pi-hole.

Makes sense.

Thank you!

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