Undefined array key "client_id" in api_db.php

Found another issue on the same installation, but this issue happens on LightHTTPD:

Access Long Term Data > Query Log
Select a time range - whatever selection fails
Throws javascript alert error

Undefined array key "client_id" in /var/www/html/admin/api_db.php on line 127



Ubuntu 22.04 (5.15.0-41-generic x86_64)
PHP 8.1 FPM (from package php8.1-fpm 8.1.2-1ubuntu2)
Lightttpd 1.4.63-1ubuntu3
Docker 20.10.13~3-0~ubuntu-jammy (package docker-ce from docker repo)

Pi-hole v5.11.4
FTL v5.16.1
Web Interface v5.13


caddy v2.5.1 (from caddy latest image)

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I cannot reproduce your issue.
Accessing the Long Term Query Log works for me even if I select all availabe data (which results in about 400,000 queries for my configuration). There indeed is a limitation imposed by PHP memory size, but that would result in a respective different error message when triggered.

Your descripton in your original topic seems to suggest that your are trying to have Caddy serve the Pi-hole's UI from the same files while Pi-hole's lighttpd is still active at the same time. What you observe may be a side effect of that configuration. I am unsure how lighttdp or Caddy would react to those shared and probably mixed-up responsibilities.

It may be cleaner to have Caddy redirect, rewrite or proxy the HTTP request URIs so that they would be handled by lighttpd.

Alternatively, you could opt to install Pi-hole with its web UI, but without its lighttpd webserver. That way, you could avoid potential conflicts by having to share web resources among two webservers.

This will remove the warning:

But it seems you have another (unrelated) issue.

Correct, this will not only remove the warning but also return data. So this is not only a warning, it's a plain out critical error.

I made changes to the code to echo the SQL query, and run it manually on Linux.

sqlite3 /etc/pihole/pihole-FTL.db "SELECT timestamp, type, CASE typeof(domain) WHEN 'integer' THEN (SELECT domain FROM domain_by_id d WHERE d.id = q.domain) ELSE domain END domain, CASE typeof(client) WHEN 'integer' THEN (   SELECT CASE TRIM(name) WHEN '' THEN c.ip ELSE c.name END name FROM client_by_id c WHERE c.id = q.client ) ELSE client END client, CASE typeof(forward) WHEN 'integer' THEN (SELECT forward FROM forward_by_id f WHERE f.id = q.forward) ELSE forward END forward, status, reply_type, reply_time, dnssec FROM query_storage q WHERE timestamp >= 1658026800 AND timestamp <= 1658113199 AND status IN (1,2,14,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16) ORDER BY timestamp ASC"

Which confirms that data should have been displayed in the UI - it didn't.

So next I compared the SQL to the columns being selected in the code block - scroll below.

	CASE typeof(domain) WHEN 'integer' THEN (SELECT domain FROM domain_by_id d WHERE d.id = q.domain) ELSE domain END domain, 
	CASE typeof(client) WHEN 'integer' THEN (   SELECT CASE TRIM(name) WHEN '' THEN c.ip ELSE c.name END name FROM client_by_id c WHERE c.id = q.client ) ELSE client END client,
	CASE typeof(forward) WHEN 'integer' THEN (SELECT forward FROM forward_by_id f WHERE f.id = q.forward) ELSE forward END forward, 
FROM query_storage q 
	timestamp >= :from AND 
	timestamp <= :until AND 
	status IN (1,2,14,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16) 
ORDER BY timestamp ASC

As you can see, the SQL ends on DNSSec column selection, but the code block has an additional client_id (lines 117-127 of api_db.php), which is btw not being JSON encoded on line 130.

// Format, encode, transform each field (if necessary).
$time = $row["timestamp"];
$query_type = getQueryTypeStr($row["type"]); // Convert query type ID to name
$domain = utf8_encode(str_replace("~"," ",$row["domain"]));
$client = $row["client"];
$status = $row["status"];
$destination = utf8_encode($row["forward"]);
$reply_type = $row["reply_type"];
$reply_time = $row["reply_time"];
$dnssec = $row["dnssec"];
$client_id = $row["client_id"];

// Insert into array and output it in JSON format
echo json_encode([$time, $query_type, $domain, $client, $status, $destination, $reply_type, $reply_time, $dnssec]);

Commenting out line 127 resolves this issue.

Which is exactly what I did (except deleting instead of commenting) to fix the issue :slightly_smiling_face:

I got data all the time despite the offending client_id.

But glad it's solved now.

While the code clearly suggests that there is something amiss, I still cannot reproduce your issue via my Pi-hole's UI:
My Long-term Data Query Log fully populates each and every time, regardless what date and time range I select.

I wonder what is different in your environment that would trigger that specific bug in your UI?

Also, I wonder why for you, server-side api_db.php would trigger a client-side...

It has to do with this config on php.ini

display_errors = On

If turned off, the javascript alert goes away and data is displayed.


To complement this:
Grepping for Undefined index: client_id in my /var/log/lighttpd/error-pihole.log yielded a hit count of 7,462. :wink:

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