Unbound is not forwarding source address

unbound is forwarding its address to pihole so pihole sees all clients as one, is there a way to change it so it forwards the real source address.


Why don't you put Pi-hole in the chain before unbound?

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unbound is my TLS front for pi-hole so i can do DoT from my phone no VPN need it.

You could enable EDNS0 ECS support in unbound, provided unbound offers EDNS0 ECS support.

As this isn't a question for Pi-hole, you should consider unbound's documentation and support:

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Reading the unbound documentation it should be possible, but not easy. Pi-hole understands EDNS(0) information, eg. supplied subnet. (See Support for add-subnet option from dnsmasq (ECS/EDNS0 Client Subnet)).

Your unbound needs to be

built with EDNS client subnet support

Then you can enable the modules subnetcache validator iterator and send-client-subnet


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