Unbound frequent restarts

I probably wouldn't recommend to disable any services, even if we'd fully understood the whole chain of events.
That service may well do a lot more useful things than the one that's causing the annoying unbound reloads. In addition, that seems to be the unbound.in subscriber for openresolv resolvconf, not resolvconf itself.
In my Armbian installation, I could only find a /etc/resolvconf/update.d/unbound file that does contain neither HUP nor kill.

As said, there may be legitimate reasons for acting on an IPv6 RA.

Also note that IPv6 RA likely does not trigger resolvconf directly. Another component in your system's network stack may consume the RA and trigger resolvconf in return.

It would be good if we'd at least know what RA is causing your observations.

That's an Advanced DHCP setting in Pi-hole.
Your configuration differs in that regard from jmccamb's:

So that option has no ties to the observation under discussion here.

Do resolvconf, unbound and dhcpcd configurations show any differences for those installations?

Unbound is no longer installed on the original RPi (because of the frequent restarts) so I only have one configuration of that (on the RPi 0W - works as intended). I am very limited in my Linux knowledge so I don't really know where to find configuration files for resolvconf or dhcpcd, sorry.

Quick solution (instead of disabling IPv6 or removing Unbound): apt install resolvconf (and confirm removing openresolv instead)

You misinterprete what the "Packages providing" on Debian package pages means:

  • The resolvconf package is an own package with own source, see the "Source: resolvconf" link at the top of the page.
  • The dedicated openresolv package has a "Provides: resolvconf" entry in its control file, which means that packages which depend on resolvconf (have a "Depends: resolvconf" entry on their control file) are satisfied as well when openresolv is installed instead.
  • The packages listed at the Debian pages as "Packages providing" are hence additional/alternative packages that can be installed to satisfy the same dependency.

So there are dedicated sources, and they are identical on Debian, Raspbian, hence DietPi and Ubuntu. I'll have a look.

EDIT: Salsa is Debian's Gitlab instance, so those sources are probably correct, but not necessarily. Often I see packages released which do not match any of the branches there. Theoretically the "Vcs-*" entry on the control file should tell, but that isn't always correct either. But the package web page has original source and Debian patches+controls linked as tarballs.

EDIT2: I checked the resolvconf sources linked at the Buster suite package page, which match exactly the debian/1.79 branch on Salsa.
And grep -r 'unbound' has as only results the README where it is mentioned to support resolvconf, and a changelog entry about this README entry, so it's a behaviour dedicated to openresolv :slightly_smiling_face:.

So apt install resolvconf should hence solve the issue, while I cannot say something about other impacts. Basically both implementations do the same, but openresolv tries to do some more magic, not only with Unbound but with e.g. dnsmasq as well, as it has a dedicated file to handle it. From the filelist:


The openresolv Unbound script loops through the $DOMAINS variable, assigned here, which seems to consist of domain names and name servers, adds the name servers as forward-zone: entries to the Unbound config and then restarts it to apply the change. Not sure where those name servers are coming from (need to check the script that creates the variable), but to me it looks wrong on first view, that the system resolver does any change to Unbound, especially when it's about upstream DNS servers that Unbound shall use (that's what the forward-zone block is about, right?), as we want to have it using the DNS root servers based on the root hints, usually, nothing else.

EDIT3: Okay, it's not the Unbound config that is edited, but a dedicated file, defined by the unbound_conf setting in /etc/resolvconf.conf, which defaults to /etc/unbound-resolvconf.conf but is set in the Debian package by default as /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf: https://manpages.debian.org/buster/openresolv/resolvconf.conf.5.en.html#SUBSCRIBER_OPTIONS
The question is how Unbound uses this (it's in Unbound config syntax), probably that's what the unbound-resolvconf.service is for?

EDIT4: Nope, unbound-resolvconf.service only adds itself as system nameserver/upstream via resolvconf, if Unbound is bound to any loopback IP. This explains why the additional entries were found in /etc/resolv.conf and why stopping this service does not resolve the restart issue. The question remains how /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf is used by Unbound, how it even know about that config (as this path is defined in openresolv's /etc/resolvconf.conf, not in any Unbound config).

EDIT5: Okay now it gets funny :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=913602
Until Debian Buster, /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf is used as default unbound_conf by openresolv, where it has zero effect. The bug report above lead to a fix, present with Debian Bullseye (never backported/applied to Buster), changing that path to /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/resolvconf_resolvers.conf, which is the native path where Unbound reads configs from. I.e. with newer Ubuntu versions (Focal onwards) and Debian/Raspbian Bullseye (currently testing), this whole openresolv Unbound script becomes effective the first time, while currently these restarts are triggered for no reason. Whether it is wanted that the system resolver messes with the Unbound upstream DNS entries is a very different question and it is good to keep in mind that these settings additions are done. Probably someone else better knows the effect of this?

I'm still not 100% sure if the added addresses are simply the systems upstream DNS entries (which could cause a loop) or something else. @jmccamb @jpgpi250 @doncarajo (sorry I can only mention two users in one post) can you please paste the output of:

cat /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf

so we can get an idea (or assure assumptions) of what openresolv is trying to do.

But regardless of what openresolv is trying to do, DL6ER's speculation above looks absolutely correct. In addition, how I guess IPv6 is involved: With IPv6 enabled, the public prefix changes by times, which is then passed to the Pi-hole's (via RAs), hence the IP change that kicks the ball. With IPv6 disabled, the local IPv4 addresses wouldn't change (as long as static IPs or reserved IPs are assigned), hence no resolvconf calls on such regular basis. But instead of disabling IPv6, I'd purge openresolv or replace it with resolvconf (the package) to avoid those restarts which currently have no reason anyway.


Hey! thank you for your response. It is going to take a minute to parse everything in here, but for now here is the content of the file you request:

	name: "home.arpa"
	forward-addr: <static ipv6>

	name: "."
	forward-addr: <static ipv6>

Installed resolvconf and in the log it shows:

(Reading database ... 41459 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing openresolv (3.8.0-1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package resolvconf.
(Reading database ... 41445 files and directories currently installed.)

^ based on this can I safely assume that openresolv is uninstalled?

I've listed it earlier in this topic, but here it is again:

cat /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf
# Generated by resolvconf

        name: "localdomain"
        forward-addr: the IP v6 address of my pihole - masked for privacy

        name: "."
        forward-addr: the IP v6 address of my pihole - masked for privacy

I assume the forward-zone: name: "." is the result of my unbound config has an entry for auth-zone: name: "." (read here).

Not sure I understand this. Both my IPv6 and IPv4 addresses haven't changed for a few weeks. I know this because I have a cron script running that checks this every 30 minutes.
The IP only changes when my ISP either kicks my modem (forced config change - we're not allowed access to the modem) or kicks their own IPv6 infra (sometimes, but not always announced on their status page).

anyway, since I'm adding another post, I might just as well let you now I've commented out the line


in /etc/resolvconf.conf, done yesterday evening 22h43, no unbound stop messages since than. This is no confirmation this will definitely work, will need to monitor this for at least 3 or 4 days.
Why did I decided to do this? My system also has knot-resolver installed. I use kresd as a resolver for some lists I build overnight and publish on GitHub. I don't want the dnsmasq and unbound cache to hold these entries, hence using another local recursive resolver for this purpose only. Nothing to do with pihole, but I noticed /etc/resolvconf.conf doesn't contain an entry for knot-resolver (kresd), and looking at the logs, kresd never restarts. I would expect kresd to respond to IP changes in the same way unbound does.

just checked, my own audit method (script as suggested by DL6ER) is still running. ther was an entry:

Mon 31 May 00:30:15 CEST 2021,6007,/bin/sh /usr/sbin/resolvconf -a eth0.ra

which previously matched the exact same time of an unbound stop message. Not this time though, no unbound stop. This makes me hope, but again, monitoring this for a few days will confirm...

What file did you comment that out in?

Many thanks. The forward-addr entries match the systems /etc/resolv.conf entries, right? The two IPv4 addresses are the public Cloudflare DNS at least. That seems to be indeed the intended addition that openresolv does on top of what regular resolvconf does. The package descriptions says

...and configures local resolvers such as dnsmasq and unbound.

So the idea is that upstream DNS servers used by the local systems libc resolver (the one that uses /etc/resolv.conf) are wanted as upstream DNS servers for locally running DNS servers as well, which is IMO usually a wrong assumption. When running a local DNS server on a network port, then it is usually not for the server system itself, but for other clients on the LAN, while the server system itself at best uses a regular public upstream DNS, so that it's services can stop without it breaking it's own network capabilities. More problematic is that all this is enabled by default: openresolv/resolvconf.in at b51e465c3d289da7bee9843ddc2eb5404e72b954 · NetworkConfiguration/openresolv · GitHub
If I get the code correct, it is possible to add unbound=off to /etc/resolvconf.conf to disable it, but that is not even documented.

@jpgpi250 that file is not based on any actual Unbound configs, but created by openresolv only based on the info it has/get, the local systems upstream DNS servers is seems. It is true in you case that /etc/resolv.conf as well contains this Pi-hole's IPv6 address?

Okay, if no IP (including the IPv6 prefix) did change, then the resolvconf script/command was called for a different reason. Probably dhcpcd or the respective network stack does this for other reasons as well. But in general: I do not see an issue when tools call resolvconf to update DNS info for whatever reason, as that is what it is for, but the problem is that it restarts Unbound by default on every such call.

When you comment unbound_conf in /etc/resolvconf.conf, the default is applied, hence then /etc/unbound-resolvconf.conf should be created instead and the restarts still triggered. Please try adding unbound=off (derived from the code in the script), if/when you see another Unbound restart.

EDIT: Ah, while the man page says that unbound_conf defaults to /etc/unbound-resolvconf.conf, I do not see where this default value is assigned. So probably it's only the value in the default upstream config file. So when you comment that setting, or set it empty (unbound_conf=), then the following should make the script exit before the restart is done: openresolv/unbound.in at b51e465c3d289da7bee9843ddc2eb5404e72b954 · NetworkConfiguration/openresolv · GitHub

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If you're asking me , the file is /etc/resolvconf.conf

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for me, both false

/etc/resolv.conf contains whatever you specified in /etc/dhcpcd.conf

My /etc/dhcpcd.conf contains:

static domain_name_servers= ::1

My /etc/resolv.conf contains

# Generated by resolvconf
domain localdomain
nameserver ::1

I've checked this, whenever making changes to /etc/dhcpcd.conf, resolvconf pickes up the changes (reboot) and changes /etc/resolv.conf accordingly


Do you mean my method will be working? Still some days of monitoring ahead...

Implies of course you need to add code (already in my script that checks IPv6 changes)
to update /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf and sudo pkill -SIGHUP unbound, this to inform unbound of the change, but only when the address has really changed.


I forgot to post the content of etc/resolv.conf:

# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
nameserver <static ipv6>
search home.arpa

I should note this was after installing resolvconf

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Hmm, you're right, this DOMAINS variable is not made up from the regular /etc/resolv.conf entries directly: openresolv/resolvconf.in at b51e465c3d289da7bee9843ddc2eb5404e72b954 · NetworkConfiguration/openresolv · GitHub

  • nameserver, search and domain entries are first stored in other variables.
  • Then if none of the above is matches (probably the end of the file, the last empty line?) then the previously created variables are combined to create DOMAINS in <domain/search>:<nameserver>, <domain2/search2>:<nameserver2> like format.

I'm a bit confused where the IPv6 address is then coming from. The output of resolvconf -l seems to be processed as well, probably it contains additional IPs, like IPv6 addresses for nameservers that are stored in IPv4 format or even as with loopback IP in dhcpcd.conf/resolv.conf only?

So your case seems to verify my assumption fully. <static ipv6> in resolv.conf and /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf you posted above is the same as well?

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Yes that is correct

@MichaIng sorry I keep forgetting to tag people

Okay. While I did not yet fully understand all parts of how those entries are processed, I think the general idea of what openresolv tries to do, and that in your setup this is not wanted, is clear enough, as well the options to prevent openresolv from doing it, or using resolvconf that does not try it in the first place.

sorry I keep forgetting to tag people

No problem :slightly_smiling_face:, the reply buttons directly below each message (instead of the blue one at the bottom of the whole thread) works as well to trigger a notification.

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If this is correct, this would mean my method (commenting out the entries and update the file using a script) is working (still needs to be confirmed).

However, more important, this also implies there is a bug in resolvconf (the script that is triggering the unbound stops) that makes services (probably not just unbound) restart, regardless of the IP actually changed.

I have no idea on how or were to report this...

I think so. Although when the resolvconf command is called by e.g. dhcpcd, then usually because it does want to change something, but probably it is done as well when actually no related IP has changed. Not sure where to report bugs. GitHub is a mirror only with not a single issue. Here the official website of the project: openresolv

To list the possible solutions from least to most intrusive (still all to be verified!):

  1. Comment the unbound_conf setting (or set it with empty value: unbound_conf=) in /etc/resolvconf.conf, to make the special unbound script exit before doing something: openresolv/unbound.in at b51e465c3d289da7bee9843ddc2eb5404e72b954 · NetworkConfiguration/openresolv · GitHub
  2. Set unbound=off in /etc/resolvconf.conf, to make the special unbound script not being called in the first place: openresolv/resolvconf.in at b51e465c3d289da7bee9843ddc2eb5404e72b954 · NetworkConfiguration/openresolv · GitHub
  3. Install the resolvconf package to replace openresolv, which has no special unbound script, or any other script to configure anything else but /etc/resolv.conf.
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Simple last question, before I suspend to monitor the next few days, this may be acceptable / feasible for most users, having this problem.

/var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf listed a few post higher, now contains the IPv6 addresses for, in my case the zone "localdomain" and ".".

What if (you'll probably say: test it) this file only lists IPv4 addresses, no IPv6 addresses (thus change them)?

This would make the least intrusive solution to:

  • comment out the unbound line in /etc/resolvconf.conf
  • change the IPv6 addresses in /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf into the pi-hole IPv4 address.

Since pi-hole has (default setup) a fixed IPv4 address, this would eliminate the need to update the file, incase an IPv6 address change occurs.

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I will report back after some hours of using the resolvconf package. I just don't want to make a dumb mistake and announce that the issue is resolved and then have to walk it back. (like I did yesterday) :grimacing:

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Note that whatever content /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf has, is irrelevant for Unbound as well as the Unbound restarts. The location, as mentioned above, is wrong (a bug), as Unbound reads only from /etc/unbound/unbound.conf[.d/] and openresolv recreates that file completely, only based on /etc/resolv.conf and some own listing it does, which I didn't fully understand.

Commenting out the unbound_conf= line equals solution 1, as both leads to an empty variable. Indeed commenting it is a little less intrusive, as the original value is kept and it hence can be reverted easily. I'll edit it above. /var/cache/unbound/resolvconf_resolvers.conf doesn't need to be touched then, or it can be removed, as it is neither used, nor re-created.

So after just over six hours I can say with relative confidence that this issue was resolved (or worked around) by installing resolvconf and thus removing openresolv and therefore the problematic file. :tada:

As @MichaIng had noted, there are some other workarounds posted here that you might want to check out. This was the one that just seemed easy to me.

Thanks again all who helped, I can't thank you enough. This bug was driving me nuts, but I am glad that we found a solution.