Unbound frequent restarts

I quickly checked the dhcpcd source code. dhcpcd simply reloads its configuration on receipt of SIGHUP:

It does not send any signals to any non-dhcpcd processes so it is a "victim" of the same underlying issue.

The cause seems to be a network device update (address change). The process causing it does not exist when manually calling ps so it is either short-lived or exited already. It may be (a) a terminating network process that fires this signal or (b) an intermediate process only existing for a few moments or (c) it is the new network process but the SIGHUP is fired before the process changed its PID by forking, etc.

To address

  • (a): Try setting up a small job that stores the content of ps every few minutes. This will be your memory for later checking if this PID every existed (for long enough time).
  • (b): I don't think this can be addressed easily.
  • (c): Try to find a process whose PID is the PID you are looking for +1 and +2 (look for 124 and 125 when the PID of the SIGHUP-sender is 123). This process may be unrelated but if it is always the same one, we should take a closer look here.
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