Unable to visit http://pi.hole


Please help.. Unable to visit http://pi.hole
following error

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at pi.hole.

If you entered the right address, you can:

Try again later
Check your network connection
Check that Firefox has permission to access the web (you might be connected but behind a firewall)

The correct URL is: http://pi.hole/admin

I've been having this problem since yesterday. It used to work fine and pi hole is running as my DHCP server.

Upon reinstalling today, there is a security option to prevent access to pi.hole/admin from outside of LAN. However, I cannot find this option in documentation. Could you please share where this config is located? I am using Apache web server.

Pi-hole doesn't have this kind of option.
This is a router or firewall issue.

Also notice: your web interface is working locally:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Dashboard headers
[✓] Web interface X-Header: X-Pi-hole: The Pi-hole Web interface is working!

This is not what your debug log shows. You are actually using lighttpd:

[✓] tcp: is in use by lighttpd
[✓] tcp:[::]:80 is in use by lighttpd

Your debug log also shows a lot of other issues:

  • Pi-hole FTL is not running:
    [✗] pihole-FTL daemon is failed
  • There is another service (named) using port 53.

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