Unable to update (FTL can't install)

I have had this problem ever since installing Pi-hole in a docker container on my FreeNAS server. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Current versions:
Pi-hole Version v3.0.1 (Update available!) Web Interface Version v3.0.1 (Update available!) FTL Version v2.7.4 (Update available!)

Serial console when trying to run pihole -up:

/ # pihole -up
::: Checking for updates...
::: Pi-hole Core: update available
::: FTL: update available
::: FTL out of date
::: Downloading latest version of FTL...
::: Detected x86_64 architecture
::: Installing FTL... sha1sum: unrecognized option: status
BusyBox v1.26.2 (2017-05-23 16:46:25 GMT) multi-call binary.

Usage: sha1sum [-c[sw]] [FILE]...

Print or check SHA1 checksums

    -c      Check sums against list in FILEs                                                                                                                                                
    -s      Don't output anything, status code shows success                                                                                                                                
    -w      Warn about improperly formatted checksum lines                                                                                                                                  

failed (download of binary from Github failed)

What Docker container are you using? You should try this one: Docker Hub

I'm using the one that was in the FreeNAS collection, the readme says this:

About this image
This Docker image is based on the image of Diginc.
The project's README.md contains an overview of the available environment variables and volume mounts.

That leads me to believe I am using the one you suggested.

Well, looks like I got it fixed!

/ # pihole -up
::: Checking for updates...
::: Pi-hole Core: up to date
::: FTL: up to date
::: Web Interface: up to date
::: Everything is up to date!

I just re-installed the docker container manually using "docker pull diginc/pi-hole" on my docker host console, reconfigured using my previous container's settings, and it's up and running! It looks a little different on my FreeNAS UI, and is named "silly_wing", and doesn't have a "Web UI" button like my other containers, but it's all good now, so I'm happy.

Thanks for pushing me in the right directions Mcat12!

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Reopening this. Now that I had successfully reinstalled the updated version, I checked in after a little bit. Update available for Web Interface and FTL. Ran console command and here's what came up:

/ # pihole -up
::: Checking for updates...
::: Pi-hole Core: up to date
::: FTL: update available
::: FTL out of date

[i] FTL Checks...
[✓] Detected x86_64 architecture
[i] Checking for existing FTL binary...
[i] Downloading and Installing FTL...sha1sum: unrecognized option: status
BusyBox v1.27.1 (2017-08-05 22:04:53 GMT) multi-call binary.

Usage: sha1sum [-c[sw]] [FILE]...

Print or check SHA1 checksums

    -c      Check sums against list in FILEs                                                                                                                                                
    -s      Don't output anything, status code shows success                                                                                                                                
    -w      Warn about improperly formatted checksum lines                                                                                                                                  

[✗] Downloading and Installing FTL
Error: Download of binary from Github failed

All this run from my virtual console on my FreeNAS machine.

Will I have to re-install Pi-Hole every time I need an update?

For docker installations, you should wait until the image gets updated and then redeploy it (that's the docker way of updating). There's a tracking issue for 3.2 here: https://github.com/diginc/docker-pi-hole/issues/196

It looks like debian is available under the dev tag, but alpine is still in the works.

A post was split to a new topic: 404 Error on pihole update

2 posts were split to a new topic: Apt issues preventing update