Unable to synchronize system time, Pi-hole not working

You can use ASUS-Merlin or DD-WRT for more control.

Merlin is the least likely to brick. https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net/

Your router uses Broadcom chips. Not supported by OpenWRT. Do not try that.

I have fixed my problems!

The issue was that I was using my router in AP mode, which gave me limited settings.
I had it set up this way because I couldn't get a wifi connection unless I used AP mode.

I learned some stuff along the way and now I have bridged my modem so only my Asus router has router capabilities and I was able to change my DNS settings properly and now it works :slight_smile:

Everything is running smoothly and it's blocking around 20% of the querries, I do however still get ads on YouTube. Are there any ways I can improve my ad-blocking?

The pi-hole is my only DNS-server, but it's not a DHCP server, I can change that but first I wanted to see if it was working without making it a DHCP server.

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Stock Asus router firmware is known to advertise their own IP alongside the one configured in the LAN-->DHCP-->DNS settings.
Check with below if its advertising only the Pi-hole IP for DNS and not also the router IP:

pihole-FTL dhcp-discover

Else you could switch to Pi-hole DHCP like I did.

About YT ads, YT serves ads from the same domains as from which the actual media is coming from.
So blocking any could result in that some YT media wont play.
Search Discourse here where this has been discussed numerous times.

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