Pi-hole will not block YouTube ads

I switched to Pi-hole DHCP yesterday, was a bit worried that I might run into problems but it's working flawlessly.

I also saw that YouTube ads are difficult to block.
I have now added some common block lists so my blocking should be better :slight_smile:

They hate it when I suggest this:

Try using 'The Brave Browser' along with your set up.

I use it and get ZERO ads on YouTube. I do not even get YouTube ads when my devices are using cellular.

Safari will play that start-up ad on cellular but I also have AdGuard on my iPhone and it seems to block most ads on YouTube; provided I use a browser: Brave, Safari, Chrome...
I do not have it on my PCs.

There is no way to block ads using the YouTube app.

But, mostly, I use Brave.

Who hates this?

I'm not going to search for the time someone said something close to "this is not the place for that". And I replied "but it is the best answer"

Maybe someone was just having a bad day.

I see this question often ("YouTube is killing me") and I seem to be the only one that suggests these solutions:
"Do not use the app, It cannot be filtered, I suggest Brave but if not Brave use AdBlocker and use a browser to watch YouTube"

Between this project and a couple others' combined, you all make the internet great.!

I already use Brave :smiley:
But for the mobile YouTube app and Chromecast ad-blocking would have been very convient.

It can't block ads that are baked into apps.

The apps are not doing DNS look-ups; they are serving them up in the app.

It is, exactly, why they want you to use their apps:
They can not-only inject anything they want but some apps will, flat out, refuse to work if you do not allow them all the analytics they 'ask for permission' for.

Good call using Brave!!!

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