Unable to Run PADD

Getting the following output on inputting "./padd.sh":

[✗] Error!
    PADD only works in conjunction with Pi-hole!

PADD was working normally before upgrading to v6.

You need to use the corresponding V6 PADD

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How to install when on Beta 6?

wget -O padd.sh https://install.padd_FTLv6.sh

Appears to be wrong.

I have just installed it. I had to go to https://github.com/pi-hole/PADD/blob/a0054e81cc0820ea674240d235f46a2e53d8d96c/padd.sh on a pc, copy the text of the file (all 1747 lines!) and then pasted it into padd.sh on my pi after SSHing into it.

Hmm, I think I'll hold off for a while...


wget -o padd.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pi-hole/PADD/a0054e81cc0820ea674240d235f46a2e53d8d96c/padd.sh


If you're using the development-v6 docker image, it comes baked inside.

docker exec -it pihole padd (off the top of my head)

Won't that end up downloading the web page not the file?

The correct link is: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pi-hole/PADD/a0054e81cc0820ea674240d235f46a2e53d8d96c/padd.sh

wget -o padd.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pi-hole/PADD/a0054e81cc0820ea674240d235f46a2e53d8d96c/padd.sh


The Discourse functions are rewriting the link if we don't use a code block.

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Whoops - I did it wrong, edited my response with the raw file link

I notice on both my Pis running pihole v6 and PADD_FTL6, DHCP server is Disabled according to PADD but obviously enabled and working on my Pis.

Thanks for the report. This is a bug we'll fix

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Should be fixed by Fix/dhcp by yubiuser · Pull Request #396 · pi-hole/PADD · GitHub

Can be I have done something wrong.
After I had done a RM to padd.sh, Pi-hole update, and rebooted the Pi, I then used the command wget -o padd.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pi-hole/PADD/a0054e81cc0820ea674240d235f46a2e53d8d96c/padd.sh
I still see DHCP as Disabled.

Please try again with


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Added wget -o padd.sh to your link and, looks like the fix is there

Hello together,
yesterday I have updates my rapberry pi 3B+ from PiHole5 to Pihole V6. Everthing works fine :slight_smile:
But the padd.sh (installed V4.0.0) shows me the following error message:

Hope you can help me.
Many thanks

This is not an error. PADD now requires your Pi-hole password to work.

many thanks, connected a keyboard and entered the passwort :slight_smile:
Normale I have no keyboard on the pi. Is there a other way to give the password inside a configurationfile?

You can pass it as argument ./padd.sh --secret <password>

perfect, many thanks