Unable to reply to post

I am trying to replay to a request for more information to

Pi-hole + unbound - second install SERVFAIL

I hit the reply button add the information, but when hit reply button again I get:
An error occurred: Sorry, new users can't mention other users.

I am a new member, but then how do I get added help?

Don't use @ mentions please. You will need to spend some time reading and interacting with Discourse to be elevated to the trust level that allows mentions that will alert and email other users.

Edit: I checked your post and I see that you had an @ in your dig command, since the command output was not wrapped in a code fence block, Discourse assumed you were trying to mention a user. I've added in your output and formatted that output to be viewed as code instead of just a text paste.

Thanks for the help. I knewni was doing something wrong just couldn't figure out what

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You weren't doing anything 'wrong', you just found a limitation to the forum software that is difficult to get set without any false positives.

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