Unable to log on admin webpage

Expected Behaviour:

Hi im trying to run pihole on my raspberry zero 2w where i already run pivpn.

Actual Behaviour:

when i try to log on admin webpage i get timed out.
I altready gave a static dhcp to my pi.
I saw on some other post to run nslookup pi.hole but it gives me the ip of my router and also says "** server can't find pi.hole: NXDOMAIN"

Debug Token:


Was above run on a client or on the Raspi host?
And how did you configure networking for the clients to make use of Pi-hole DNS?


hi im running on host.
i also have ufw, bur i already enable following script:

ufw allow 80/tcp
ufw allow 53/tcp
ufw allow 53/udp
ufw allow 67/tcp
ufw allow 67/udp
ufw allow 546:547/udp

i configured DNS only on this pc (where i tried to log on web page) using this guide:


DNS settings are specified in the TCP/IP Properties window for the selected network connection.

  1. Go to the Control Panel
  2. Click Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings
  3. Select the connection for which you want to configure
  4. Right-click Local Area Connection > Properties
  5. Select the Networking tab
  6. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) or Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)
  7. Click Properties
  8. Click Advanced
  9. Select the DNS tab
  10. Click OK
  11. Select Use the following DNS server addresses
  12. Replace those addresses with the IP addresses of your Pi
  13. Restart the connection you selected in step 3
  14. Repeat the procedure for additional network connections you want to change.

i did everything like pihole -r and pihole -d since this morning. Now i unistalled everything and then reinstallend and NOW ITS WORKING.
Idk why it didnt work earlier, but thank you so much anyway

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