Unable to import teleporter data


I'm unable to import my teleporter data. I'm getting this error:

The file you are trying to upload is not a .tar.gz file (filename: pi-hole-teleporter_2019-06-27_06-55-12.tar, type: application/x-tar). Please try again.

It's in the exactly same file name as it was when I exported it.

Appreciate your help. Thank you and good day.

If your file is missing the .gz extension then it will not be recognized.

You might need to rename your file to pi-hole-teleporter_2019-06-27_06-55-12.tar.gz

This is a known issue and fixed, please see Fix teleporter backup file extension by Mcat12 · Pull Request #2717 · pi-hole/pi-hole · GitHub

I did try that but it did not work. I get the same error.

The file you are trying to upload is not a .tar.gz file (filename: pi-hole-teleporter_2019-06-27_06-55-12.tar.gz, type: application/x-tar). Please try again.


Clearly not, I'm afraid.

When you downloaded the file you or your browser may have uncompressed it (I tested exporting, and it did download as .tar.gz so it is likely not a bug in our code). Rename it again to end in .tar and compress it with:

gzip pi-hole-teleporter_2019-06-27_06-55-12.tar

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