I should be able to access the web interface through any device on my home network.
Actual Behaviour:
For whatever reason, my laptop has stopped being able to access the UI. I seem to be able to access it from any other device I have connected to the network. And when I parse through the UI, I can see that my Pi-Hole is very much indeed active and working. I essentially can't access the UI just through this one device, which is weird to me. It doesn't make any difference if I use a different web browser on my laptop either.
Anyone have any guesses as to why this is happening?
I was just following along but I noticed that your lighttpd version is a few years older than what is on my install ( 1.4.69 ). I'm not sure if that is significant enought to warrent the issue your seeing but it does beg the question if the system / pihole is running up to date versions.
Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:
Tokens are valid only for 48h (you can generate a new one if you like).
Yours expired and it was automatically deleted, but after reading the topic again it is clear that Pi-hole is working as expected.
Did you execute this command from your laptop?
If you did, then it is a browser or firewall issue.
If you can't run curl from your laptop, then what is the output of nslookup pi.hole (running from your laptop terminal or command line)?
Oh my goodness. You were right about the local network setting. I don't know when or how that got toggled off as I've always had it working in the past. But thank you again! This is a huge relief.