UK Virgin Media Hub 3 Settings for Rpi3 Pi-hole

Hi all,
first post here. this week ive been trying to get my pi-hole set up on my network. been a bit of a swine, but ive found a setup that works. albeit capped at 300mbits a sec due to the throughput of the pi.

now before i get slated for "not doing it properly" due to the restricted options of my router these are the only settings ive found to work, for network wide application.

as those that own a Hub 3 will come to find out there is no "DNS" tab to allow setup of alternative servers.
this is a fix i found after many hours of trawling through mostly irrelevent info on google and the virgin forums.

  • setup raspberry pi 3 with ethernet connection into the router and get yourself all setup with an OS and Pi-hole enable SSH, and VNC if you must.
  • access Hub 3 and navigate to DCHP Tab
  • give your raspberry pi a static IP. and set the "number of CPEs" field to 1(one).
  • in the local starting address put the IP of your RPi.
    for example:

now set your Pi-hole up like this

mines been up for a little over 24hrs. this is the result

thanks for listening.


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