Expected Behaviour:
food.com and allrecipes.com and eatingwell.com load images
Actual Behaviour:
food.com and allrecipes.com and eatingwell.com don't load images
food.com and allrecipes.com and eatingwell.com load images
food.com and allrecipes.com and eatingwell.com don't load images
How can we help you. You haven't provided us any information that could help us help you.
I am using the default blocklist.
I am also using whitelist from anudeepND
I am using pihole on raspi and docker with dhcp as well
Docker network is macvlan network
Please let me know if you require more info.
I apologize for not providing extra info in my original post.
For allrecepies.com and eatingwell.com, images are hosted on imagesvc.meredithcorp.io Whitelisting this should work.
thanks, this worked. any idea for food.com?
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