Too less filtering - Whats my fault?


Ihave run my pihole in a docker container on a Rpi4(8GB). But as I am afraid he filters too less. Could anyone give me a hint, what did I wrong? ^^

The network is behind a vodafone cable- box. So I have to configure every simple clienet to use the DNS-Server.

THX in advance!

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log


Debug log removed and made private by developer.

Do I have two pihole-container?! :thinking: :wink:

 # docker images
REPOSITORY                 TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
portainer/portainer-ee     latest         4b6f6ed10535   2 months ago   287MB
pihole/pihole                   latest         d87a7e0b3404  3 months ago   239MB
diginc/pi-hole-multiarch  debian_armhf   b74d2dc9b17c   5 years ago    314MB