Tfpt Setting in the Gui?

It Would be nice to have a Tftp Setting directly in the web gui of the Pi hole i thik many peolpe would like to use it and experement with PXE Booting. its not very intuitive to set the tfp setting via CLI and config files and the rest via the web gui.

Greetings Blindeye

There are options for restarting Pi-hole related services in the Pi-hole CLI, and you can also restart system services from via systemctl. You do not mention what you need to restart from the web interface, so, not sure what you are actually restarting.

i dont say anything about restarting i just ask if it would be possible to ad an option to set an tftp server directly from the webinterface if you use the dhcp server from the pi hole

Configuring a separate application is better handled separately, in my view.

Not sure what is involved with configuring tftp, but I’ve dealt with setting up a ftp client application, the configuration was non-trivial.

Say Pi-hole were to handle configuring tftp, what if someone wanted to use a different ftp server, should Pi-hole handle that too? I cannot imagine that being easily done. But hey, no harm in asking…

Its not about Building a tftp server into Pihole its about the Option to deliver one directly with DHCP.
Or To say it that way configure dnsmask/ FTL for that sorry of i was unclear

Greetings blindeye

Setup is pihole is dhcp and a other server is a PXE Server in a different IP. Its just that it would be nice to be able to set the ip of the PXE Server directly in the DHCP Server so that new machines can be directly bootet with PXE wirhout the Need for additional Config

All good. That should certainly be simpler.

i have not much idea how to do that thats why i am asking here :slight_smile:

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