Strange pihole behaviour

Expected Behaviour:

  1. I should be able to see data on the admin console, as well as during pihole -c;
  2. I should be able to restart pihole subsystems using pihole restartdns;
  3. Whitelisting should be working as previously

Actual Behaviour:

  1. I get no admin console at the exact same URL as before. Also, pihole -c portrays only how many domains its blocking and the gateway. No data at 'Blocked', 'Top Advert', 'Top Domain', Top Client'.
  2. Carrying out pihole restartdns gives me "Restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server: configuration syntax check failed!"
  3. A previously whitelisted domain is now no longer whitelisted. However, this does not go for every whitelisted domain. I've tried deleting and adding the domain to the whitelist using the console, but to no avail.

Debug Token:

Edit: downgraded and got a new debug token: opedm82ugz

Did you update Pi-hole by any chance ?
If so, have a read here:

EDIT: if want to know dnsmasq version, run below one:

dnsmasq -v

Reverted to earlier versions:
Pi-hole version is v3.2.1 (Latest: v3.3)
AdminLTE version is v3.2.1 (Latest: v3.3)
FTL version is v2.13.2 (Latest: v3.0)
Dnsmasq version 2.72

But to no avail.

Edit: updated debug token is opedm82ugz

Nginx is responding on port 80 instead of lighttpd.

Thanks, I was finally able to fix this problem with some help.

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