Strange "Cut-Off-Times"

Running my PiHole on Synology as a docker, i see strange cut-off times

running energy save settings (turn off 11pm, restart 7am)
any idea for the time outs inbetween?

Your graphic is showing activity until 11pm (23:00) and the activity comes back at 7am, but the bars are too small.

I just copied the image you posted and increased the saturation and contrast for all colors. This is the "enhanced" image:

There is a very very small green bar (actually a line) at 23:00 and the first one from the morning is at 7:00.

There are almost no queries between 7:00 and 8:00, but Pi-hole was active. Apparently no devices were using the network in this time interval.

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Your debug log shows your router is distributing its own IP as local DNS server rather than Pi-hole:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   * Received 548 bytes from eth0:
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)

That would suggest that you've configured your router to use Pi-hole as its upstream - a valid configuration, but you won't be able to attribute DNS requests to individual clients, as your router aggregates and forwards all your clients' DNS requests.

Your debug log also suggests you are using a FritzBox router.
If that's the case, you should be aware that those FB routers have a configurable option to fallback to a public DNS server if the configured upstreams would be inoperational
In your configuration, that would allow your FB to by-pass Pi-hole whenever it thinks that Pi-hole's DNS service is inoperational.

You could consider to configure your router to distribute PI-hole as local DNS resolver.
See Fritz!Box (EN) - Pi-hole documentation or German Fritz!Box (DE) - Pi-hole documentation for additional recommendations.