Sqlite3 errors in syslog

Hello, I noticed my syslog is getting tons of these errors:

Cannot initialize database: Could not open sqlite3 database:'/home/pihole/.cache/tracker/meta.db': unable to open database file

Noticed purely by chance. How do I fix this?

This is not a file Pi-hole creates or maintains. I suspect it is created by Tracker. However, the user pihole shouldn't use this directory as home directory. Did you change this?

No I did not change anything; I have never heard of this program. Looks like it may be installed by GNOME in Ubuntu and there's a lot of people who've had this issue. This is a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04, Pi-hole and NUT on a RPi 4; that is it.

Do you mean users on the web or more specifically Pi-hole users?

I don't think this is problem we can solve here. Uninstalling tracker doesn't seem to be an option, either, as this would uninstall nautilus and, hence, ubuntu-desktop as well. Not a very clever idea.

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