Specific website not loading account properly

Expected Behaviour:

Been running PiHole for 2 years now. Mainly on macOS and iOS, no problems so far. However, for the past 2-3 months I am having troubles accessing a specific website on desktop, when I access the site via their app on my iPhone there is no problem. When I connect with another network the problem isn't there. What should be happening is the site loading properly, look at the top right corner where we can see the username properly loaded. When this happens, the site works perfectly.

Capture d’écran 2024-03-28 à 12.14.50

Actual Behaviour:

What is actually happening is that when I go to the website via my network (PiHole), it shows that my account (top right corner) is loading and it never loads properly so I can't do anything. Look at the screenshot and the three dots that signal loading (it's actually animated, so they appear and disappear).

Capture d’écran 2024-03-28 à 12.13.07

If I access via another network, the problem is solved for a couple of days even when I reconnect via my network. But past that time, it happens again.

Debug Token:


I have tried resetting DNS, the system, flushing resolver, etc. Thank you in advance.

When I go to that site I also see the animated dots, no matter whether I turn off my browser blocking and/or Pi-hole blocking. In your browser you can open the Developer Tools and look at the console while the page is loading. This will show what it's unhappy about and what failed to load. I was unable to make it happy at all, even with all blocking off everywhere.

Thank you.
Same here, unable to make it work.

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