Some Websites load very slow

Have you tried ufw reject https instead of just allowing the default deny rule to take place on that port?

I tried that and it works perfectly! Thank you so much!

You're welcome, it short circuits out the process and immediately says "No connection" instead of waiting for a DROP to timeout.

A post was split to a new topic: Slow loading websites

I did open 443/tcp that did solve the issue for me with slow loading on some pages :slight_smile:

So I have open port 80/tcp 443/tcp 53/tcp and udp in ufw is it any more ports that I need to open?

Those should be all the ports required.

I know that this is an old thread but this just bit me this morning. Here's a workaround script while someone smarter fixes it properly. I have this run in my cron hourly.

I re-wrote @linuxpng's script to work with the current RPI's ifconfig output, modernized it a bit, and hosted it here:

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How do I run the script if my Pi-Hole is running in docker?