[Solved] Update only selected lists


Is there a way to update only one selected blacklist?

Thanks, best regards.

None that I'm aware of.

No, but why do you think this is necessary?

I'll try to explain.

My Pi-hole has over 12 million unique domains in its lists (gravity domains: 24 931 101, unique domains: 12 927 729). Some lists are updated more often than others (like github.com or firebog.net). I would like to be able to select and update only the lists that I am certain have been updated on mentioned portals, and then rebuild the database. This would significantly reduce the update time.
The update on my single-board computer takes about 50-55 minutes (30 minutes to check and download the lists, 20 minutes to rebuild the database, 2 minutes to swap), which is very time-consuming.
It would be nice to have a checkbox with the option "Update only selected" (e.g. when deleting lists, you can select several and delete them). I hope this makes sense.

Best regards

Seems like you have a bunch of stale lists. My feeling is that a list that is not being maintained, may not be as effective in blocking ads over time. Sure, some advertisers might use specific domains repeatedly, but some move to other domains, and newer advertisers likely work with other domains.

Another thing to consider is when the update happens. For me it is weekly, and happens very early in the morning, so I would not even notice if my system were busy updating Pi-hole block lists at that time.

I suppose, if your hardware is older and limiting, perhaps you should consider updating that.

You're probably right, nosugref42. I have a lot of outdated lists, but I won't check them one by one :slight_smile: I bet that even those who created them don't check all the old domains every time and remove them from the lists.

I have lists that the community updates at least once a day, but there are also some that are updated once a month. I prefer to focus on those that are updated more often.

And here again you're right. My single-board computer with a dual-core processor (1GB RAM, 1Gb LAN) may not be the newest, but apart from those slow updates it works quite well. It runs Nginx, Pi-Hole and WordPress. It's perfect for a small network. Its time has not come yet :wink:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Nevertheless, I think it would be really nice to have a button "Update selected lists".

Best regards.

That's exactly why updating your lists more than once per week is not recommended or necessary.

Thank you all.
