[Solved] How to really fetch FTLDNS from github?

Expected Behaviour:

After Installation of FTLDNS explained in Help Us Beta Test FTLDNS Version info should show FTLDNS branches

Actual Behaviour:

Even after reboot I get

  • Pi-hole Version v3.3.1
  • Web Interface Version v3.3
  • FTL Version v3.0

Debug Token:


It seems that

It seems that the branch fetch didn't work … i.e. a red ✗ when running

"pihole checkout core FTLDNS"

[✗] Fetching branches from https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git

In order to switch to FTLDNS you need to execute these 3 commands:

echo "FTLDNS" | sudo tee /etc/pihole/ftlbranch
pihole checkout core FTLDNS
pihole checkout web FTLDNS

Do you experience any errors when running those commands?

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No error message but a missing o.k.
See my edited post

Can I create a log-file for "pihole checkout"?

You get that every time you try to checkout FTLDNS ?

Yes. Tried it for six times now
WEB-Access to GitHub is o.k.

You can get debug output of the script by running.

bash -x pihole checkout core FTLDNS

To write it to a file:

 bash -x pihole checkout core FTLDNS > /tmp/coreDebug 2>&1
 bash -x pihole checkout web  FTLDNS > /tmp/webDebug 2>&1

here it is

How does this behave?

cd /etc/.pihole
git fetch -v

edit: git status and git pull maybe interesting to see too

Should be run with sudo?

Good thinking, run commands with sudo just to be safe. (sudo bash -x pihole checkout core FTLDNS and sudo git fetch -v)

Can't upload Attachements :frowning: … send logs as Images?

Find the logs here Git.Logs

and coreDebug

try changing the localization from Germany to English (GB or US) by using
sudo raspi-config and select localization options and then change locale to


Remove your DE setting. Save the settings, then

and try the FTLDNS branch again after.

I upped your user level by 1 so you maybe able to attach files now, if level 1 is high enough (I'm unsure, new to discourse moderation).

o.k. I'll try.

I just tried changing to dev branch. That worked:

  • Pi-hole Version vDev (development, v3.3-312-gb087888)
  • Web Interface Version vDev (devel, v3.2.1-263-gbd49d7f3)
  • FTL Version vDev (development, vDev-967588c)

At least startet :sunglasses:

"[✓] Switching to branch: 'FTLDNS' from 'refs/heads/development'"

Thanks for help!

By the way

Topic should be changed to "solved" and hint to dependency on locale added.

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