Sites loaded through search engine bypass pi-hole


I noticed that when a site is blocked by one of the block-lists, it can still be accessed when a user enters the name of the site in a search engine and then just clicks on one of the resulting links to the site. Is this normal behavior ?

Thanks !

Can you post an example with the URL's that are being retrieved? And please include applicable parts of the tail of your Pi-Hole log if you can. Thanks.

I found the reason I think. The site is in the blocklist with name , and when you search for it in google it returns a link to which is then not blocked. Does a blocklist need to have the www prefix for it to work ? Or does it automatically detect and block anything ending with ? Is this about the limitation that block lists cannot have wildcards ? is a fictional example btw

Jorg and are two separate domains, and so they require two separate entries to block.

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