Showing the hostname of hosts that are using pi-hole


Just got this working and it works AMAZINGLY well, big shout out to the developers for putting this tighter.

Now on to the question - I have a pi-hole at and my router/gateway is at; My DHCP range is 172.16.100-200.

On the bottom right hand corner of the Pi-hole admin console (on the main page), it shows the top clients. I am just wondering if there's any way to get the pi-hole to show the hostnames of these clients rather than, etc? I can look this up from the DHCP table of my router (pfSense) however I'm wondering if I can eliminate this extra step and get the system to show the client host names right there.

It appears I have answered my own question. I just needed to edit


To include the hosts.

This is OK on a small network with only a few devices. Is there some way to get the pihole to query the PTR for these devices from the DNS server? This way it'll find the hostname always.

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