Short-circuit / quick bypass option for specific URL without loading dashboard

Have there ever been discussions around different options for temporary bypass of the rules?

I am wondering if a feature request / suggestion for an endpoint that bypasses filtering could be a nice idea.

My biggest gripe is that with my adlists, around ~95% of the time I click unsubscribe in an email - it is blocked by pihole.

What seems like could be a really useful feature is if i could prepend those URLs with:


Or something like that. Currently loading into the UI, then disabling for ~5 minutes is the only way around it - but the biggest problem with that is that it sometimes takes a minute or two for the cache in chrome to reset.

It would be such a life improvement for me (and I'm assuming others) to have a bypass like that.

DNS replies come with a kind of best-before date (TTL), indicating that clients may cache the reply until at most that date before they should re-request it.

That said, Pi-hole would set the TTL for blocked domain replies to just 2 seconds by default.
Clients respecting that TTL should send a new request after 2 seconds, so unblocking that domain should take effect after those 2 seconds, not minutes.

Likely, your issue isn't with Pi-hole, it is with client behaviour.

Offering another URL won't affect that, as your client would still delay asking Pi-hole.
Instead, you could consider to clear the client's DNS cache, forcing it to send a DNS request.

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