I am running pi-hole with webinterface on truenas. Directly as an app. I am a beginner in terms of pi-hole but have moderate knowledge networks.
My network setup for my families house is the following:
Main Router Fritzbox, Internet: Router Truenas with Pi-hole. Camera
Subnet 1 Fritzbox, connected via WAN to Main router, DHCP Server : Laptop
Subnet x, DHCP Server:
We set it up like this that the subnets are separate and we do not see each others smart devices (speakers and so on) and traffic.
-on the Pi-hole web interface. I setup local dns to resolve camera.local to
-I set the laptop client to use the Pi-hole DNS.
-the routers for now use their default DNS. During the setup I wanted to test it on a single device.
Expected Behaviour:
Devices on the Subnet should be able to resolve the configured local dns from Pi-hole.
Resolving local DNS and adblocking is the main usecase.
Actual Behaviour:
On the client I tried to open the camera web interface by using camera.local. But it won't resolve it.
When I change the laptop physically to the Main Router being in 0.x subnet it is working properly.
How to make it resolve on the subnets?
Is this even possible with this setup or would I need to buy a VLAN router and put the Pi-hole in every Subnet?
Also where would you setup the DNS Server for the clients?
On FritzBox you can set a) local DNS Server for the connected devices or b) setup DNS upstream in the router. And in Main Router or the Subnet routers or on all? I do not want to enforce the pi-hole DNS so more like opt in. This is why I would set it up on the subnet routers. But not sure whether a or b.
Can you actually connect to the camera via IP address? You also might need to enable conditional forwarding. Also, if you are using the Fritzbox as your DHCP server, the local domain is not local but rather fritz.box.
Yes I can connect to the camera IP from the Subnets.
You meant to set it like camera.fritz.box? Isn't .box also a top level domain. I think FritzBox just recently got fritz.box back.
Still not sure why it doesn't resolve.
Will post logs when I am back at home.
What would I put in conditional forwarding.
Only for main router?
Hoped someone could tell me whether the Main/Subnet routers would work in general with Pi-hole. Or it doesn't as the Pi-hole needs to be able to access back the client which in my way would not work. Because of the WAN Port connected on the Subnets.